machine to connect edge software

Machine To Connect (m2c) is our edge software, which is installed on all eurogard V3 ServiceRouters by default. m2c includes Node-RED applications and the corresponding communication drivers. This means data from different machines and plants can be preprocessed directly on the edge device, which reduces data traffic, making your processes faster and more cost-effective. In the event of network failures in the cloud, intermediate data buffering takes place on the edge device. When connectivity is restored, the data gaps are automatically synchronized. This guarantees the highest level of data integrity and security. As obvious as it may sound, digitalization requires the presence of data. However, pulling data at the lowest level is not trivial. Relentless technical development continues to result in new communication protocols on companies’ shop floors which, together with the protocols already in place, creates the challenge of the ‘last meter’ of data acquisition.
Continuous development
Following agile principles, our software engineers are continuously working on the m2c software to use as many different machines and plants as possible, including retrofits, as data sources for digitalization.
Communication with the M2V-IIoT platform
For communication with the m2v-IIoT platform, we use the open network protocol MQTT to transfer the generated data easily and securely via machine-to-machine communication from the edge device to the m2v-IIoT platform.
Communication with different fieldbus protocols
m2c uses the following fieldbus protocols for communication by default: OPC-UA, Modbus TCP, S7 ISO on TCP and BACnet.