Service kit

Mobile, fast and trouble-free remote access operations
Based on the eurogard ServiceRouter compact (ER 1301-W/LTE), the eurogard Service Kit is the portable solution for fast and easy remote access operations. This allows remote access to be carried out in a flexible and easy way, and to reach locations with limited infrastructure.
Maximum security
Hardened Linux software modules, VPN connectivity with certificate and personalized keys, convenient user management with online connection monitoring, preset firewall allows only secured VPN and SSL-encrypted communication.
Flexible application
The Service Kit contains all the components you need for fast and uncomplicated remote access.
Plug and play
Once on site, all the Service Kit needs is a power socket, LAN connection to the PLC and a place for the magnetic base antenna (included in the Kit). Alternatively, the case can also be securely connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
Automated encryption
After a quick and easy setup, the Service Kit automatically establishes an encrypted VPN connection between the PLC network at the destination and the specified server.